Devotional Gatherings

Devotional gatherings grow naturally in communities where conversations about the spiritual nature of our human existence are growing. In homes, community centers, parks, yards, and more, Bahá’ís and their friends and families unite together in prayer. There are no rituals; no one individual has any special role. Gatherings include the reading prayers and passages from the Bahá’í sacred texts in an informal yet respectful atmosphere and often take on the diverse culture of the individuals and community that attend. Frequently the arts as well as multiple languages are blended into the gatherings enriching the experience. Over time the spirit of communal worship is generated by these simple gatherings, which guides the community’s collective actions.

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Learn About Children's Classes

The family center of human society. And the education of children is not only the responsibility of the parents. The community also has an important role to play and the Bahá’í community gives considerable attention to the subject. Indeed, classes, open to all, for the spiritual and moral education of children. These classes seek to provide a vital setting for the development of praiseworthy qualities and capacities. The main focus is for the community to become partners with the families to raise children who can accept responsibility for both their own spiritual growth and the growth and advancement of society.

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Become a Bahá’í

Bahá’ís welcome all, regardless of background, class to join and welcome engagement with all individuals and groups in advancing toward the principle of the oneness of humanity.

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